Future of TV

The future of TV and The Cable box set on your TV stand or the Satellite Dish hanging on the side of your home, apartment, or RV is a thing of the past. The answer to our TV entertainment is far beyond the 2022 TV service, join us today. What we have to offer is a Global Movement: As a result, of today’s need to keep up with the fast-moving world today this is a MUST HAVE to download for your Smartphone, Tablet, or PC.


From the very beginning, we looked for something very special. We call it Free TV because it is so unique. A Reward Point System called Tipping Circle has been developed. Once you are set up in Tipping Circle you can download and activate Free TV. You will fast see it goes from the 2022 TV service to the future TV service. With this movement into, What We Call TV Beyond 2022, it quickly enters into “AMAZING”. Gaining access to Free TV Broadcasts, and includes Reward Points for just watching TV. What a great deal?

The future of TV-FREE TV

Therefore, this program starts with FREE TV and moves to other products, we know you will enjoy. Therefore you will discover more benefits you use it. The program benefits are far greater than you will imagine. Furthermore, as you experience the vast possibilities of what you have in the grasp of your hands will amaze you. After you set it up the benefits will amaze you. You may find new areas of interest when you browse the capabilities of this service. The vast amounts of services around the world will be yours to command.

Ready to connect to a service that can reach you around the globe and have Free TV. Once you connect, you will see this is just a part of your service.



  1. To SIGN UP for TurningCircle Go Here. You begin with; “The Performance Giving Network”.
  2. When connected use the link on the Tipping Circle admin area to connect your smartphone. Android or IOS.
  3. When you are registered, the E-Newsletter will be forwarded to you. To indicate you have joined, click on the link. located on the right. When you receive an email from us Replying back will indicate you have joined “The TippingCircle“. This allows us to forward to you any updates.
  4. After we receive your email we will forward to you your first TIP. With your TIP, you will also receive a Thank You reply for joining us. These updates will inform you about our goals to change the world. We have great plans and have put many hours into our efforts to ease poverty and give everyone a better world to live in today.
  5. You will see within this program you may participate as much as you determine you can. As a result, You may participate as must as you wish. Join us today.


As the days travel by us we will come to the realization that today, this is just the start of something great. Our network is just one spoke in “The Performance Giving Network”. As a result, all of us have awakened to the realization that the way the world shares today is uneven distribution, and this distribution needs to be changed.

We are rich in technology and possess the ability to redirect our resources. We can find a better direction to distribute the world’s resources. Therefore, With the huge amounts of food wasted today, redirecting this loss of resources and direct the wasteful food supply to people who go hungry each day. We can eliminate hungry as we know it today and feed everyone who is lacking in the ability to find food to nourish their body. Go without any necessities or have within reach the finer things in life.

Our Resources

To date we know we have the amazing resources to help the world reach these goals. We believe to reach these goals starts with Education, Internet, and TV. With these in place we know we will be able to teach the world “How to Fish” and create the wealth they not only desire but desire. The ability to live a good life and live happily is not only our right but we deserve a great life All of us agree we all deserve to live a great life. Today is that day. We have the program.

Knowledge is the key and we must start today. Therefore the step to start are listed above. The change starts with us. There is a way to distribute our resources on a global basis to benefit everyone. The opportunity is here. Join us in our fight to redistribute the world’s resources One step at a time. With this in mind, the single steps start with the five steps above.

Chat with family and friends, and you can put dollars in your pockets to chat. Join the family of people getting paid to Chat. Go here to learn now.